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Tooltip v-tooltip


This page covers the Tooltip directive. For advanced tooltips with slots, consider using the Tooltip component.

Tooltips display informative text when users hover over, focus on, or tap an element. Elements uses Floating UI for tooltips.

The tooltip directive allows you to easily add a tooltip to any element.


The directive can be used in two ways. The first way is to pass a string to the directive. This string will be used as the tooltip text. In this case the tooltip uses the props inherited from the global configuration.

v-tooltip="'My tooltip text'"
v-tooltip="'My tooltip text'"

The second way is to pass an object to the directive. This object should contain a text property with the tooltip text. The object can also contain any of the tooltip props.

v-tooltip="{ text: 'My tooltip text', placement: 'right', delay: 1000 }"
v-tooltip="{ text: 'My tooltip text', placement: 'right', delay: 1000 }"


All directive arguments are reactive.

Released under the MIT License.