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Icon <EIcon>

The icon component provides allows you to easily use an icon library.


Elements does not include any default icons. This page uses the Bootstrap Icons library to display example icons.


The icons automatically inherit the font size of the parent container.


Instead of font-based icons, you can reference SVG files. Set the type prop to svg and provide the href prop, linking to an SVG file.


This method has some limitations. Unlike sprites and font-based icons, SVG icons cannot be colored using CSS.


Instead of using a separate SVG file for each icon, you can use SVG sprites by adding the sprite prop:


Browsers apply the same-origin policy on <use> elements and do not load cross-origin URLs in the href attribute.


You can use any icon library that provides a font-based icon set. See the example configurations for some popular icon libraries.

Example Configuration

Below are configurations to make some popular icon libraries work with Elements. The following configurations are made in the global configuration. You can also set the props directly on the EIcon component.

Bootstrap Icons

Import in your .scss file:

@import url('');
@import url('');

Add the following entry for EIcon in the global configuration:

EIcon: {
  config: {
    tag: 'i',
    type: 'class',
    prefix: 'bi-',
    className: ''
EIcon: {
  config: {
    tag: 'i',
    type: 'class',
    prefix: 'bi-',
    className: ''

Material Icons

Import in your .scss file:

@import url('');
@import url('');

Add the following entry for EIcon in the global configuration:

EIcon: {
  config: {
    tag: 'span',
    type: 'inline',
    prefix: '',
    className: 'material-icons'
EIcon: {
  config: {
    tag: 'span',
    type: 'inline',
    prefix: '',
    className: 'material-icons'

Component Reference

Released under the MIT License.