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Checkbox <ECheckbox>

The checkbox is shown as a square box that is ticked (checked) when activated. Checkboxes are used to let a user select one or more options of a limited number of choices.


Use the variant prop to change the checkbox theming according to your configured variants.


Set the highlight prop to override the default border color with the variant color.

Highlight is automatically set to true if the feedback prop is set. Set highlight to false to override feedback highlighting.


Use the label, and description props to describe your checkbox.

You can also use slots for more freedom on label content. Please see the Slots section for information on slot variables.


By default the switch component is displayed as an inline element. By adding the block prop, the input container will span the whole container width.


A disabled checkbox cannot be interacted with.


Set the indeterminate prop to render a checkbox in an indeterminate state. This only affects the element visually and the checkbox works like usual.


Use the feedback prop to add validation or other form errors to your checkbox input. The feedback prop controls the invalid attribute on the input element.

You can also use slots for more flexibility on feedback content. Please refer to the feedback slot for information.

Component Reference

Released under the MIT License.